CNN and NPR Executives on Amplifying Trust Thru Audio

Steve Lickteig has the monumental task of ensuring that CNN’s podcasting content is as compelling and trustworthy as its news broadcasts. Gina Garrubbo leverages the value of NPR being one of the most trusted brands in the world to entice sponsors. These two highly respected executives spoke with me spontaneously during the recent Podcast Movement […]

Jarl Mohn on Insider Interviews

Jarl Mohn on Art and the Art of Media Management

Just skim the career path of my first guest for Season 2 of Insider Interviews and you’ll understand why it was worth the wait of my past year on hiatus: It’s Jarl Mohn, former President and CEO of NPR…and E! Entertainment Television, the network he also created! Jarl’s career includes being hand-picked by former radio […]