Broadcast AND Streaming: The Power Duo of Local Advertising

When you think about it, national advertising can definitely build awareness — or brand equity. But as Keith Kazerman, President of Locality Streaming pointed out, every purchase made actually occurs LOCALLY.  Hmm. There was a lot more food for thought in Episode “lucky” 13 when I sat down with Keith and his counterpart, Ann Hailer, […]

Lou Paskalis: Making News About Media

It’s a jam-packed Epi 12 with my longtime industry friend, Lou Paskalis, CEO and Founder of AJL Advisory and strategic advisor to Ad Fontes Media. We had a lively stroll down memory lane (and, yes, I sing to him), reminiscing about working on promotions for E&J Gallo Winery/Food Network years ago to rubbing elbows at […]

A Holistic Approach to Podcasting

A “holistic” approach sounds so virtuous – in a yoga pose kind of way. And when it’s applied to the business of podcasting it takes on an even healthier stance. Three wise guests explained exactly what it takes to approach podcasting as a unique medium and leverage all aspects of it to drive growth. In […]

Westwood One’s Pierre Bouvard on Making Good Audio Impressions

Pierre Bouvard has some words of wisdom for media buyers out there…if you’re not buying audio (yes, all audio), you’re leaving reach and engagement on the table. As Chief Insights Officer at Cumulus Media/Westwood One, Pierre has seen the proof and has busted the myths surrounding audio advertising—and particularly the misconceptions about AM/FM radio. “Radio […]

Innovations in Leveraging Audio

Bart Roselli of Veritone One has seen the audio space grow exponentially in his over 15 years of media, marketing strategy, and account management experience. Now, as SVP Growth, he leverages his breadth of knowledge to enhance agency-media vendor relationships and help ensure client goals are set smartly for the space, and fulfilled across multiple […]

Cadillac CMO Melissa Grady Dias on Marketing a Maverick (with heart)

A milestone! It’s Episode 40 of Insider Interviews! And for that, who better to interview than Cadillac’s Global Chief Marketing Officer, Melissa Grady Dias, who is, herself, marketing a milestone: the launch of what will be the first all electric line of luxury brand vehicles (EVs), starting with the Lyriq! This episode was recorded in […]